Guest Blog: What does learning mean to you?

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Guest Blog: What does learning mean to you?

ESGmark® member 8 Billionminds are a free online interactive learning platform where you can learn, teach and chat about almost anything. The team is made up entirely of volunteers working anywhere and everywhere. We spoke to the key team members about what learning, and free access to education, means to them:

What is something you know nothing about and would like to learn?

Sam Founder/CEO: I would like to learn more about the possible candidates for the theories of everything. These are the theories which tie together quantum mechanics and relativity

Jordan UI/UX Designer: I would love to learn a few languages. To name a few; Spanish, Russian and Mandarin. I have always wanted to learn a language since I found out that my Mum lived in Spain for a few years when she was younger but I haven't found the time to do so.

Vicky - Graphic Designer : Coding, my partner is a programmer, and it would be nice to understand whats he is doing. It would also mean I could design websites from scratch, giving me complete freedom with the designs, which would be nice.

Emma - Lead Community Builder : I’d love to learn more about professional photography and Tai Chi!

Melinda - Full Stack Developer: I’d like to learn how to dance – in any style!

What are your top tips for learning?

Sam: Ask the stupid questions. Don’t be shy about things you don’t know. There’s nothing worse than pretending you know things. Ask, ask, ask, ask as many questions as you can and don’t move on until you really understand it. Don’t let your ego get in the way.

Jordan: For me, passion and perseverance are the most important things for learning something new. When you learn to ride a bike you don't ride perfectly on the first go. You struggle and maybe receive a bruise or two but you get back up and persevere. You need to persevere and keep trying to get better.

Vicky: Learn what's best for you as everyone's brain works differently. But generally, if you can learn from doing it, e.g. learning Spanish, try and speaking in Spanish and have a conversation. For me, if I need to make notes, using lots of colours helps

Emma: I think the most important thing when learning is to find out the methods that work for you, as everyone is different. For example, are you a visual, auditory or reading/writing learner? Also realising that sometimes there are no shortcuts to get to where you want to go, so the only thing you can do is get your head down and work hard!

Melinda: Practise, practise, practise – don’t give up!

Diego - Back End Developer : I think my main learning tip is to be disciplined. If you can focus and have the discipline to hold onto something, you can learn anything.

What is one thing you think everyone should learn and why?

Sam: That, so far, the best process we have found to find truth is the scientific method. There has been no other way that has found truth better than that so far, so if you ever want to find the truth of anything then trust science. Make sure it is peer reviewed, that the scientists are not biased, that data has not been selected and that they have created hypotheses which have also turned out true (then you know the first hypothesis has been true as well). It seems that many people don’t understand that science is not a belief system, it is a process of finding truth.

Jordan: I think self care is the most important thing to learn because if you can't take care of yourself, both mentally and physically, how can you take care of other things in your life.

Vicky: Cooking, everyone should know how to cook as food is necessary to being alive.

Melinda: Communication

Diego: Learn languages. I think it is essential for anyone to be able to speak more than one language.

A final word?

Diego: Everything can be transformed through education.

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