

e: info@gethandson.co.uk

w: https://gethandson.co.uk


HandsOn is a company that exists to give people wholesome, fun and shared experiences that supports communities and societies. We provide companies and organisations with an opportunity to get their people together and contribute to benefitting their own local community and people. We do this through our 'HandsOn builds' in which we design and build a huge range of new facilities for schools, charities, young groups or local authorities.

Our HandsOn builds include anything from outdoor classrooms to school sensory spaces to community gardens and adventure playgrounds... anything that will help improve the lives of local people and communities.

For the companies and businesses that get involved in a HandsOn project, they see benefits across their organisation... from improvements in employee wellbeing and culture; development of their responsible business practices and tangible results of their social impact as an organisation.

As individuals, every member of the HandsOn team is passionate about being environmentally and socially responsible, so joining the ESGmark® community was a steadfast decision to ensure that we can continually improve and implement best ESG practices within our company as a whole.
— Toby Rix - Co-founder and Director